Robert Greaves had his first Elkhound in 1978 from the late Arthur Sneeden. Opinan Edel was his introduction to the breed when he was still at school. Ch Kestos Lario’s Ravik, bred by Barbara Stokes joined Edel in 1980 and Robert won his first ever CC at the British Elkhound Club Championship Show in 1982 under the late Stanley Dangerfield. This was followed by Ravik’s second CC that year at Richmond (Deirdre Poole), gaining his title at Southern Counties (Molly Rogers) in June 1983 when Robert was 19 years of age.
Llychyln Irina joined Whittimere in the mid eighties and produced Can Ch Whittimere Amund.
Ch Danelaw Dawn Run of Whittimere, bred by Marilyn and Phil Wragg was born in 1988 and quickly gained her title in 1990. Mated to Gill Bingham’s Ch Steldawn Crackerjack produced Nicola Callow’s Ch Whittimere Silver Cracker and Whittimere Captain Scarlet.
Aftonlee Aluska of Whittimere, mated to Arthur Sneeden’s Ch Trollelgens Sigfred Av Opinan produced Nev & Elaine Simms Ch Whittimere Tempest and Ch Whittimere Tszar
In the Mid 1990's, Robert campaigned Joyce and Donny MacLennan's Ch Harith Boy of Invergloy to his title and 6 CCs plus a Group 3 placing.
After the sad death of Mrs Elizabeth Guy, Ch Ardenspoie Lass came to Whittimere in 1999.
All future Whittimere’s being owned/bred in partnership with Will Croxford and Nicola Callow.
Robert judged his first show in 1983 and awarded CC’s at Driffield in 1989 at the age of 25. He judged the Norwegian Elkhound Association of Ireland Club show in 1994 and 2008, the Norwegian Elkhound Association of Scotland Club show in 2004, Crufts in 2007 and a Norwegian Elkhound Speciality in the USA 2009. He awarded CCs in Finnish Spitz in 2005 and Japanese Shiba Inu in 2012.
Robert also judged extensively across all Spitz breeds and the Hound/Utility Groups in the UK at Open Show level. He was also very honoured to Judge the Hound Group at the Welsh Kennel Club show in 2019. Overseas, Robert judged at Championship level in Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.
He also wrote the “Our Dogs” Norwegian Elkhound Breed Notes since 1990 and contributed other articles to the publication until the sad time of his death.
In canine administration, Robert served as a committee member of the Norwegian Elkhound Club of Great Britain since he was 19 years old in 1984; being its Chairman since 1998. Additionally, Chairman of the Elkhound Rescue Fund (a registered charity). Robert held a number of positions within Midlands based canine societies; as well as being a Committee member of The Hound Association and Chairman of the Midland Counties Canine Society.